
Fencing section Houštka the sports section, which specializes exclusively in saber fencing. It currently has over 70 permanent members of all ages. Most of the membership consists of fencers under the age of 20 years with excellent results in representing our club in the Czech cup series.

Currently, we organize two tournaments: "Zlatý list Houštky" (spring) and "Turnaj svatého Václava" (autumn).

Section ŠK Houštka held annually in the spring recruiting new members. We are looking especially boys and girls from 10 years of age, but age is definitely another obstacle. The most important thing is hard work and the will to work on themselves.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact someone from the management section.

Nábor 2023

Hlavní nábor pro rok 2023 je naplánován na pátek 8. 9. od 18:30. Rodičům představíme v krátkosti oddíl a děti se mohou rovnou zapojit. Stačí sportovní oblečení, boty do tělocvičny a vodu na pití. Pokud byste nemohli přijít, stačí dorazit na kterýkoli další páteční trénink od 18:00 a domluvíme se. více